Call for Presentations 23

Call for Presentations Is Now Closed

Call for Presentations is now closed.

If you submitted a presentation for consideration in this year’s conference program, you will be notified mid-December regarding the status.

Submit Your Presentation

PFAC’s 2024 Conference Committee invites you to submit a presentation proposal for PFAC’s  29th Annual  Educational Conference scheduled for May 15-18, 2024 at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego. Please note that while PFAC appreciates each submission, because there are a limited number of time slots for educational breakout sessions, the Conference Committee may not be able to include each presentation submitted.

Presentation submissions are for breakout sessions and should be either 1 hour or 1.5 hours in duration (including time for questions and answers). Presentations should focus on issues that are relevant to a Professional Fiduciary’s practice and legal responsibilities (see suggested topics below). Pre-intensive sessions and general sessions are arranged by and are at the invitation of PFAC’s Conference Chairs.

PFAC’s education vetting committee reviews each presentation submitted to determine if it qualifies for continuing education credit.  With the goal of having a wide range of topics available at the conference, final selections are made by PFAC’s 2024 Conference Chairs.   Once the slate of presentations is finalized, notices will be sent via email to those that submitted presentations advising them of whether their submission was selected for the conference.  Included with notification that your presentation was selected, you will be advised of the conference date and time slot assigned for your presentation.

Conference presenters receive one complimentary general conference registration (Wednesday through Saturday) which includes meals throughout the day and, if requested, the Friday Evening Dinner Event. Though not complimentary, conference presenters are eligible to register for Pre-Conference Intensives (scheduled on Wednesday). Please note that complimentary registrations are non-transferrable and do not have a cash value. PFAC does not provide honorariums to presenters and does not cover expenses incurred by presenters for any purpose including, but not limited to, transportation, lodging, or parking expenses.

***Call For Presentations for the 2023 Conference has ended ***

How to Submit

The time period for submitting proposals begins September 1st and ends November 17. Proposals must be submitted online and may not be submitted via fax, US mail or email. To submit your proposal, beginning September 1st, visit PFAC’s website at, click on the Submit Presentation button and follow the prompts. As part of your submission you will need to include or upload the following information and material listed below at the time of submission. Note ALL information submitted must be complete and names, titles, descriptions, etc. should be provided exactly as you would like that information to appear in any and all PFAC’s promotional or handout materials.

Please make sure the information submitted is accurate and complete. Last year we were fortunate enough to receive over 130 submitted proposals. The Education Committee narrowed selection to less than 40 accepted presentations. We would like to ensure your information is a comprehensive picture of the final presentation prior to the selection process.


September 1, 2023

Call for Presentations Opens

November 17, 2023

Submission Deadline (11:59 PM PST)

December 1, 2023

Notification re inclusion of presentation in PFAC’s 2024 conference delivered via email

March 29, 2024*

Deadline for presenter outlines and PowerPoints to be delivered to PFAC in final form. *If materials in final form are not received by this deadline, PFAC reserves the right to cancel the presentation.

May 15-18, 2024

Conference Dates

Session Formats

Proposals must be complete, comprehensive, and deemed relevant to the conference audience. The Educational Committee may, at its discretion, modify the suggested presentation format, increase and/or reduce the number of presenters. You will be asked to specify the session format during the submitter process.

Selection Criteria

Accepted conference presenters will receive one complimentary full conference registration. (Thursday Bay Cruise and Friday Dinner Speakeasy are not included nor are Pre-Conference Intensives, which can be added for an addicional fee.) No transportation, lodging, parking or honorariums are provided. Please note that registrations are non-transferrable and do not have a cash value. They may not be used in exchange with other complimentary registration offers.