EB1 – Hiring and Working with Caregivers: Risks, Liabilities and Solutions

This session will help people in the circle of care understand the employment risks they and their clients
take when they bring someone into the home to care for the elderly or disabled. We will discuss ways to
minimize the risk to you and your clients and identify the key areas you need to know so you and your
clients can make informed decisions regarding in-home care.


Robert Nuddleman

Robert Nuddleman

Nuddleman Law Firm, P.C.

Robert Nuddleman is the owner and primary attorney at the Nuddleman Law Firm, P.C. He represents individuals and companies in federal and state court and various administrative agencies such as the California Department of Industrial Relations (Labor Commissioner), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Department of Fair Employment and Housing, and Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. A significant focus of Mr. Nuddleman’s practice relates to wage and hour claims, breach of contract, trade secret protection, claims of sex, race, age, and pregnancy discrimination and/or harassment and accommodating persons with disabilities. Mr. Nuddleman advises and represents business clients in employment and business matters in an attempt to avoid litigation and reduce potential exposure to claims of all kinds in light of developing law.

A particular focus of Mr. Nuddleman’s practice includes advising caregiver agencies, trustees, conservators, families, residential care facilities, care homes and others regarding wage and hour and employment laws in the elder care industry. Mr. Nuddleman frequently presents seminars and workshops regarding workplace disputes and compliance with federal, state and local employment laws.