Pre-Conference Intensive B – Developing and Maintaining a Professional Fiduciary Practice – Part 2

Join us on Wednesday for an all-day intensive on starting, growing, and developing your fiduciary business!

The first half of the day will be focused on setting up your business (including entity selection), how to market your business, dialing in your intake process, working with counsel, and time tracking. 

The second half of the day will include the ins and outs of hiring and firing, setting up your office space, technology dos and don’ts, how to avoid burnout. 

The day is designed for fiduciaries who are just setting up their business and those who are ready to grow! 

What does your team look like

Presenters: Meredith Taylor, IMT Associates; Robert Nuddleman, Nuddleman Law Firm, P.C.
– Growing the team
  • Hiring (employee vs. independent contractor)
  • Firing
– Policies Systems and Procedures
  • Employee handbook
– Confidentiality
– Training and education
– Supervision and discipline
– Hiring counsel and/or HR company
– Mention use of possible independent contractor for support
  • Bookkeeping
  • Accounting
  • Tax return preparation
  • Case manager
  • Delivery service
  • Errands
  • Property management
  • Caregivers
  • Junk removal


What does your space look like?

Presenters: Shannon Downs, Downs Fiduciary Services; Ali Goff, Goff Legal, P.C.
– Physical space
  • Home office
  • Rent space
  • Share space
– Virtual space
  • Website
    • Reflection of your business and services
    • See above section
– Technology
  • File/record keeping
    • Cloud storage
    • Paper storage
    • Timeline of when you can destroy files
  • Backups
  • Security (anti-virus, firewall, secure portals, HIPAA compliancy)
  • Software
    • For time tracking
    • Client data
    • Communications (internal and external)

– Communications with clients



Presenters: Ali Goff, Goff Legal, P.C.
– For the business
  • Budget
  • Weekly C(m)EO meeting for fiduciaries
    • Review weekly financials
    • Review monthly financials
    • Stay on top of A/R and cash flow
– Within the business
  • Bookkeeping systems
    • Quicken vs. QuickBooks
    • Electronic checks vs. handwritten paper check
    • Reconciliations
    • Delegate?


Taking Care of Yourself

Presenters: Meredith Taylor, IMT Associates; Judge Mary Thornton House (Ret.), ARC
– Personal goals
– Avoiding burnout (compassion fatigue)


Vanita Jones

Urban Fiduciaries
Meredith Taylor

Meredith Taylor

IMT Associates

Meredith Taylor is the owner and primary fiduciary at IMT Associates. For the past 40 years IMT Associates has been focused on serving the elderly, mentally ill and special needs community. Meredith serves in many fiduciary roles including trustee, conservator, power of attorney, executor, guardian ad litem, and provides consultation to families as they navigate the estate planning process. IMT Associates is a team of professionals specializing in accounting, bookkeeping, case management, real property oversight and social security and public benefits.

In addition to being a California Licensed Professional Fiduciary, Meredith holds a California Marriage and Family Therapist license. Bringing both fiduciary and mental health services together provides our clients with a full range of services supporting their financial and personal needs. Meredith is a Past President of the Professional Fiduciary Association of California.

Heather Johnston

Sapphire Law Group

Shannon Downs

Downs Fiduciary Services
Alexandria Goff

Alexandria Goff

Alexandria Goff Legal P.C.

Alexandria, also known as “Ali” is the owner and founder of Goff Legal, PC, a law firm focused on estate planning, trust & estate administration matters. Ali is known for her in-depth knowledge and expertise with wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and her ability to explain complex matters in an understandable way. She was drawn to estate planning to help protect people and their families and provide peace of mind so they avoid complications for generations to come. She is a frequent presenter for organizations located in California, the Professional Fiduciary Association of California, the Probate Section of the Placer County Bar and the National Business Institute. Ali is also is a certified performance coach, helping women leaders and business owners with their personal and professional endeavors and goals.

Robert Nuddleman

Robert Nuddleman

Nuddleman Law Firm, P.C.

Robert Nuddleman is the owner and primary attorney at the Nuddleman Law Firm, P.C. He represents individuals and companies in federal and state court and various administrative agencies such as the California Department of Industrial Relations (Labor Commissioner), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Department of Fair Employment and Housing, and Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. A significant focus of Mr. Nuddleman’s practice relates to wage and hour claims, breach of contract, trade secret protection, claims of sex, race, age, and pregnancy discrimination and/or harassment and accommodating persons with disabilities. Mr. Nuddleman advises and represents business clients in employment and business matters in an attempt to avoid litigation and reduce potential exposure to claims of all kinds in light of developing law.

A particular focus of Mr. Nuddleman’s practice includes advising caregiver agencies, trustees, conservators, families, residential care facilities, care homes and others regarding wage and hour and employment laws in the elder care industry. Mr. Nuddleman frequently presents seminars and workshops regarding workplace disputes and compliance with federal, state and local employment laws.