Here are some helpful tips to make your conference participation smooth and enjoyable.
Disneyland Hotel
1150 West Magic Way
Anaheim, California 92802
The nearest airport is John Wayne Orange County Airport (SNA). CLICK HERE to go to Disneyland’s transportation services.
Registration is located in the Grand Ballroom Foyer on the street level of the hotel.
At Registration, proceed to the Badging Kiosk and follow the directions to print your badge via your cell phone. If you did not provide your cell phone number with your registration, please pick up your badge from the Registration/Information counter. Pick up your attendee bag including your Resource Guide, materials flash drive, water bottle and more.
The Information Counter will also be the pick up location for pre-purchased items including Friday Evening Dinner tickets and Raffle tickets.
PFAC Conference App
Make sure to download the PFAC App and click on the 30 th Anniversary Conference. The conference app will allow you to view the schedule, access all session materials set reminders, receive notifications, learn more about sponsors and exhibitors, and connect with other conference attendees. Scan the QR code to download the app.

Session Material
Session handouts are available on the flash drive included with in your attendee bag or via the conference app. Printed materials are not provided.
We hope you’ll consider getting involved and volunteering! Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and give back. We’d greatly appreciate your time. CLICK HERE to view open positions and to sign up.
Badge Scanning
PFAC will be scanning badges for CE/MCLE credit 15 minutes prior to the start of each session and 10 minutes after the start time for each session. If you fail to have your badge scanned, you will not receive credit. There is no way to “go back” and add a session as PFAC uses a time coded electronic scanning system. It is your responsibility to scan your badge at each session, there is no partial credit.
PFAC Solicitation Policy
Suitcasing is the act of soliciting business in the aisles during the exhibition or in other public spaces by non-exhibiting companies, including another company’s booth or a hotel lobby. Suitcasing is prohibited at PFAC conferences. Distribution of marketing materials in the exhibit hall, breakout session or foyers of the PFAC conference is strictly prohibited except by businesses that have purchased an exhibit booth or sponsorship package. PFAC reserves the right to remove anyone distributing marketing materials without permission without a refund of registration or lodging fees. We encourage attendees to support the paid sponsors and exhibitors who, in turn, are supporting the fiduciary profession.