Megan Hunter

High Conflict Institute

Megan Hunter, MBA, is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of the High Conflict Institute along with author and speaker, Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. who developed the high-conflict personality theory. Megan developed the concept of the Institute after eight years with the Arizona Supreme Court and five years with the Dawes County Attorney’s Office in Nebraska.

Megan has trained professionals across a wide spectrum of governments, industries across the U.S., Australia and 10 other countries. Megan is known as the Conflict Influencer, teaching others how to influence any kind of conflict. She is the co-author of BIFF at Work; and The High-Conflict Co-Parenting Survival Guide. She is co-host with Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. of the podcast, It’s All Your Fault!

Conference Sessions

Opening General Session - Turn Conflict Into Harmony