Paige Fingerhut Charnick

Beach Equities

Paige is Broker & CEO of Beach Equities and is an active Long Beach community leader. With over 25 years of experience in the real estate, escrow & legal fields, Paige prides herself on both her skill at negotiation, as well an extremely high level of client care. She maintains expertise in probate, trust, and conservatorship sales, as well as court-ordered sales and partition actions, Paige works extensively with attorneys, CPA’s, trustees, administrators, and conservators. She is asked to speak regularly at professional trust and estate organizations on a range of topics from the particulars of the probate purchase contract to the real estate temperature in local markets.

Conference Sessions

E3 - New Rules, New World: Demystifying the New Real Estate Landscape (Post - NAR Settlement): What Every CLPF Needs To Know