Susan Ghormley


Susan is a California Licensed Professional Fiduciary serving as court appointed conservator, trustee in private and court supervised trusts and special needs trusts, estate administrator, agent for powers of attorney and Advance Health Care Directives, and as guardian of the estate for youth. After many years as an attorney (now inactive with the State Bar of CA) successfully bringing nursing homes to court for neglect and abuse of elders, Susan sought to bring this expertise to working on behalf of those who need assistance due to age, infirmity or disability as a Fiduciary.

As an active member of the Professional Fiduciary Association of California (PFAC) Susan has served as State President, Vice President, Director of the Southern Region and Secretary of the Southern Region. Susan developed a Diversity and Inclusion Committee, has served as a Chair of the Education Committee.

In her spare time Susan has led an annual high school and college student trip to Mexico to provide day camp for 80 to 100 barrio children and construction projects in the poorest part of Ensenada for over 17 years, as well as participating in a monthly homeless project where meals are prepared and delivered throughout San Pedro, CA. Susan is a frequent speaker at Women’s Retreats.

Conference Sessions

C1 - Fiduciary Planning to Prevent Litigation: 30 Strategies InHonor of PFAC’s 30th Anniversary