Todd Finnemore

Todd Finnemore

Adult Protective Services

Dr. Finnemore Psy.D. is a clinical geropsychologist in private practice who draws psychoanalytic thinking and Buddhist mindfulness into his practice helping people through the processes of aging, sickness and death. He provides assessments and psychotherapy to older adults, caregivers and the adult children of aging parents, and is embedded in both Sonoma County and San Mateo County Adult Protective Services, along with occasional service to the court as an expert witness. He is dedicated to supporting older adults and their families through the challenges of later life development, building community mental health services for older adults, and improving systems of care for the severely mentally ill. 

Conference Sessions

B6 - Hooked! When the Best in Us Leads to the Worst for Us: How Scammers Use Personal Values to Trap the Good-Hearted